HVAC 911 | Contractor Referral Service | Boiler Installation, Repair or Maintenance
20 Aug

Stop Ignoring Those Boiler Kettling Noises

Loud rumbling, banging and kettling noises coming from your boiler may seem harmless, but ignoring them can lead to major issues. 

Discover what causes these boiler noises, if you can fix them yourself and when to call the licensed professionals affiliated with HVAC 911.

Sediment and mineral buildup causes kettle noises

The rumbling or banging noises known as boiler kettling occur when deposits and sediment accumulate inside the heat exchanger. As the water boils, steam bubbles form on these mineral deposits, causing vibrations.

Potential causes of sediment and mineral buildup include:

  • Hard water high in calcium and magnesium
  • Inadequate water filtration allows scale build-up
  • Rust, corrosion and sludge settling within the system

While minor noises may come and go, consistent loud banging likely indicates professional service is needed.

Dangers of neglecting a noisy boiler

While boiler kettling may seem harmless, ignoring these noises can lead to:

  • Reduced heating efficiency
  • Dangerous overheating conditions
  • Leaks and cracks under pressure
  • Costly part replacements

HVAC 911 recommends you schedule an annual service and water treatment to help avoid expensive repairs to your boiler.

DIY boiler noise fixes

While simple flushing may help, kettling often requires professional repairs that involve:

  • Descaling the heat exchanger 
  • Using chemical cleaning solutions 
  • Installing a water-softening system

Rather than tackling boiler noises solo, call HVAC 911 to connect with trusted local technicians to diagnose the root cause and recommend solutions.

Call HVAC 911 for ongoing boiler noises

Contact HVAC 911 if loud kettling persists for weeks or is accompanied by:

  • Loud banging
  • Heating/performance issues
  • Leaks or cracks
  • Error codes

HVAC 911 licensed technicians will:

  • Inspect the entire system
  • Descale and chemical clean
  • Replace damaged parts
  • Improve water filtration

Catching issues early saves money over the long term. Do not wait until you lose heat or hot water to call for boiler repairs. 

HVAC 911 connects you with licensed technicians to correctly assess boiler noise issues.

Request service today and prevent boiler breakdowns

Loud boiler noises signal real problems requiring professional attention. Call HVAC 911 today to connect with trusted, local technicians who can properly diagnose the issue and get your system running quietly and efficiently, once again.

Plumbers 911 is a referral service affiliated with the best local licensed, bonded and insured plumbing contractors in the area. They employ highly qualified plumbers who receive over 10,000 hours of training and undergo rigorous background checks.