Plumbers 911 - Emergency Plumbing Services - HVACR Repair
29 Jun

4 Signs You Need to Watch Out for in Your HVAC System

Are you experiencing issues with your heating and cooling system?  Then you probably know exactly how important it is to maintain your home’s HVAC unit all year round.

An efficient heating and ventilation system maintains proper airflow and controls indoor temperature in your home. For maximum efficiency, maintenance procedures should be performed by owners or trained technicians. Failing to do maintenance on your heaters and air conditioners may cause inconvenience and problems that will cost you more in the long run.

When You Need to Call a Chicago HVAC Professional

Hvac Service in ChicagoKnow the signs your HVAC system needs repair before it happens, but if you are already experiencing some of these signs, it is probably time to act.

  1. Air conditioning unit is not producing cold air. This is the most obvious sign you need to have your AC fixed. The heat and humidity may become noticeable and start to cause discomfort.
  2. Your AC unit is making unusual noises. Unusual rattle or popping sound coming from your device may mean that you need to get your unit checked and serviced soon.
  3. High energy bills. A HVAC unit that is not functioning well uses more energy and releases that energy where it is not needed. To avoid this to happen, hiring a professional to perform annual maintenance to your system is your best bet. Many of us avoid spending on maintenance. But the truth is, getting your unit serviced regularly will cost you less and help you save energy, than hiring someone to replace a major component sooner or later.
  4. Air conditioning water leakage. Some of the possible causes of AC water leaks are clogged or disconnected drain pipe, clogged air filter and if unit is low on refrigerant. This can lead to bigger problems if not fixed promptly.

Other signs are subtle, but it can tell you anyhow that you need to hire a HVAC service provider:

Your HVAC Checklist from a Trusted Plumber in Chicago

  • Your heating and cooling unit is more than 15 years old. Your device has been with you for quite a long time but sadly, it’s time for it to go. A new system is guaranteed to provide better humidity reductions and comfort. Call an expert and have that old HVAC system replaced with a new one.
  • Repairs become more and more frequent.
  • Excessive dust in your home. If you notice lately that your house gets dusty faster than before, your defective unit may be the culprit.

Now that you know the signs, it is time to pick up that phone and call in a professional HVAC Service in Chicago. Don’t hire just any HVAC contractor. Look for a reputable company that provides safe and efficient solution to your problem. Make sure that you are hiring only licensed, bonded and insured plumbers in Chicago, Illinois.

Plumbers 911 IL is the right one to call if you need HVAC Service in Chicago. Our certified technicians  are sure to detect problems and its causes and come up with a solution that will help you say goodbye to the problem forever.