HVAC 911 - Heat Pump Installation and Repair
03 May

Spring heat pump inspection 

Since a heat pump is uniquely designed to keep your home at a comfortable temperature year-round, it does not have an obvious off-season to shut down for routine maintenance like an individual heating or cooling system. 

Spring provides an ideal opportunity to give your heat pump some much-needed attention after a busy winter and to ensure it is ready to tackle the summer heat without any issues or breakdowns.

Let the contractors affiliated with HVAC 911 show you why now is the perfect time to schedule a tune-up for your heat pump so you can stay cool in the coming months.

Ensure comfort

During an inspection, an HVAC professional will check your heat pump for signs of wear or damage, calibrate the thermostat and ensure proper airflow throughout your home.

By taking these proactive measures, you can help avoid unexpected breakdowns when the temperatures begin to soar and avoid the stress and inconvenience of an unexpected HVAC emergency. 

Maximize efficiency

A deep clean and inspection will allow a professional to address any potential issues early on that could hinder the performance of your system.

A compromised heat pump will begin to overcompensate for whatever is going wrong, working harder than necessary and increasing the amount of energy your home uses and the amount of money you will be forced to pay due to higher energy bills. 

Improve air quality

A thorough spring inspection will also clear away any dirt, dust or debris accumulated on your heat pump’s coils and filters since its last maintenance. 

A professional will clean or replace filters and check for mold or mildew growth to ensure proper ventilation so you and your loved ones breathe healthy air indoors. 

Extend lifespan

The lack of routine inspections can lead to premature wear and tear of the heat pump, which could result in costly repairs or even the need for a complete replacement sooner than anticipated. 

The investment in preventative maintenance is key to prolonging the lifespan of your heat pump and can save you from significant headaches and unexpected expenses down the road. 

Trust HVAC 911 for your heat pump installation and maintenance 

Regular maintenance of your heat pump can maximize comfort and efficiency and extend the lifespan of your system, saving you time and money in the long run. 

Schedule your spring heat pump inspection today, and keep cool all summer long with the help of the experts affiliated with HVAC 911.

HVAC 911 is a contractor referral service that can connect you with fully insured, bonded and licensed contractors who employ highly skilled and highly trained technicians who can be trusted to get the job done and to get it done right. 

Contact a professional affiliated with HVAC 911 today.