HVAC 911 | HVAC Contractors Referral Service | Emergency Heat Pump Repair
17 Jul

Why short cycling is bad for your heat pump

Your heat pump is designed to provide efficient heating and cooling for your home. 

However, when a heat pump has short cycles – turning on and off frequently – it can lead to a host of problems. 

Learn the causes of short cycling, why it is detrimental to your system and when you should call the affiliated experts at HVAC 911 to prevent any futher damage.

What causes heat pump short cycling?

Short cycling occurs when your heat pump turns on, runs for a few minutes and then shuts off before reaching the target temperature. This continual on-off cycling puts extra strain on the internal components. There are a few common causes of short cycling:

  • Faulty thermostat – If your thermostat is out of calibration or malfunctioning, it may erroneously tell the heat pump to turn on and off repeatedly.
  • Improper system sizing – If your unit is too large or small for your home, it will not run long enough to reach the set temperature before shutting off.
  • Dirty air filters – Clogged filters obstruct airflow, preventing the heat pump from adequately heating or cooling the air.
  • Low refrigerant levels – Without enough refrigerant, the heat pump cannot absorb enough heat or cold to reach the target temperature.

Why is heat pump short cycling bad?

Frequent short cycling stresses the internal components and can lead to the following problems:

  • Increased wear and tear – The continual starts and stops will strain the compressor, fan motor and contactor, which can lead to premature failure.
  • Refrigerant flood back – The refrigerant does not have time to circulate fully before the unit cycles off, which leads to liquid refrigerant flooding the compressor.
  • Compressor damage – Liquid refrigerant flooding can cause internal damage, costly repairs or even complete compressor failure.
  • Reduced efficiency – Short cycling prevents the heat pump from operating at peak efficiency. As a result, your energy bills may rise.

When to call the experts at HVAC 911

If you suspect your heat pump is short cycling, do not delay – call HVAC 911 right away and contact the HVAC 911 referral service to get connected to one of our local affiliated HVAC contractors. Catching problems early can prevent expensive equipment damage down the road.

HVAC 911 is a referral service affiliated with the best local licensed, bonded and insured HVAC contractors in your area. They employ highly qualified HVAC service technicians who receive over 10,000 hours of training and undergo rigorous background checks.